Our Staff
The staff at Mountainside Learning Center have been carefully selected for their competence, their love of children, and their demonstrated knowledge and practice of their faith. Read below to learn a bit more about the people who make Mountainside happen!

Kim - Learning Center Director
Kim has been a member of the Mountainside Community Church for over 25 years and very involved in that span with children’s programs, youth groups and family events. She has had a vision for many years to reach the children in this community with a Christian based care center for children.
Kim and her husband of 36 years, Tim have 3 children and 5 grand dogs. When their children were very young, Kim operated a home daycare for several years. She then went to work for the Elementary School here in Falmouth as kitchen manager and cook for the past 16 years, interacting and connecting with children daily.
Kim’s goal for this program is help each and every child to reach their God-given potential in a warm and loving environment.

Ruth - Lead Teacher
Ruth is a mother of five grown children and also a grandmother, a role she considers a blessing in her life. She has been in the field of child development and childcare for more than 25 years. She operated a licensed in-home childcare for several years. Her experience includes serving as a “one on one” special needs teacher, teacher aid and lead teacher.
Ruth's qualifications include a degree in Early Childhood Education. She is certified as a Behavioral Health Professional, and holds other certifications as well.
When asked about her philosophy of education, she quoted something Fred Rogers often said to children: “We all have different gifts so, we all have different ways of saying to the world who we are”
Ruth went on to say: "With my years of experience, I’ve come to know this as a truth, often a child’s gift can go overlooked or even smothered. It is my goal to support each child in their abilities to their full potential and in knowing their own God given gifts. Teaching in a Christian environment has always been a goal of mine, I feel children need to know that they truly matter, have a purpose and are deeply loved."